Garlic & Herb Sweet Potato Nourish Bowl

Recently, I’ve been unable to get enough romaine lettuce. This is strange, considering that it was once my least favorite type of green (next only to the iceberg). My love affair with romaine lettuce began when I created our Vegan Caesar Salad With BBQ Sweet Potato Croutons. It has been going strong ever since.

The Middle-Eastern cuisine and Mediterranean culture have influenced this version of the recipe. It includes Za’atar spice mix, Hummus, and Tahini.

This bowl is not only delicious but also nourishing, thanks to the whole sweet potato, which provides a lot of complex carbohydrates and sweetness. The 4-ingredient Dill Garlic Sauce gives this dish a lemony, garlicky punch. Were we to mention that it is ready in just 30 minutes? We’ll show you!

Nourish Bowl Components

The first is our parsley salad, which has a fresh and herbaceous element. Parsley, a Mediterranean native, is rich in minerals and antioxidants, including manganese and iron ( source). This is one of our favorite herbs!

If you don’t like parsley, try substituting cilantro or dill.

Dill Garlic Sauce is next on our list of favorites. This sauce is made with hummus and lemon. It also contains garlic and dill.

We used the tried and true method for the roasted potatoes: cut them in half, coat them in oil, and then bake the cut side down (25 min). See that caramelization? Hubba hubba!

Tahini and rich minerals are added to the sauerkraut and chopped Romaine. Za’atar ties it all together with its herbal and tangy notes.

There’s never too much hummus, so don’t be afraid to add an extra spoonful!



  • Half a medium sweet potato (skin still on).
  • 1/4 tsp avocado oil

Parsley Salad

  • Parsley, finely chopped: 1 cup
  • Red bell peppers or cherry tomatoes: 1/3 cup
  • Red onion diced 3 Tbsp
  • Lemon juice, 1 1/2 tbsp
  • Use one pinch of each black pepper and sea salt


  • Half batch Dill Garlic sauce with 4 Ingredients


  • Two cups chopped Romaine (we prefer romaine hearts).
  • 2 Tbsp Hummus (or store-bought).
  • 1 Tbsp sauerkraut (or sub store-bought)
  • 1 Tbsp tahini (or see our favorite brands here!)
  • Za’atar (or store-bought sub): 2-3 tsp
  • Lemon wedges ( optional )
  • Dulse or other sea vegetables or sprouts of choice (optional).
  • Chili Garlic Sauce ( optional


  • Line a small baking tray with parchment paper and heat the oven to 400°F (204°C // use convection if available to speed up cooking time). Add the sweet potatoes and coat with oil. If your sweet potatoes are large, you can cut them into quarters or large pieces to speed up baking time. Bake for about 25 minutes or until the sweet potato is tender.
  • Prepare parsley salad in the meantime by adding parsley to a small bowl with red bell peppers, red onions, lemon juice, pepper, salt, and salt. Toss to combine. If needed, add more salt or lemon to taste. Set aside.
  • Then, add the hummus to a small bowl with lemon juice, minced garlic, dried or fresh dill, and a little dill. Stir to combine. Add salt (only if necessary) to taste and adjust the flavor. You can also add lemon juice or garlic for more bite. Dilute the flavors if they are too strong with some hummus. If the sauce is too thick, add some water.
  • Add the Romaine chopped to a large bowl with the roasted sweet potatoes, hummus, sauerkraut tahini, and za’atar. Optional: Serve with lemon wedges and top with dulse or chili garlic sauce. Serve with dill-garlic sauce.
  • Fresh is best. Keep leftovers in the fridge, covered. Separate the sweet potato and sauce from the parsley/greens salad. Sweet potatoes can be stored for up to two weeks, while greens will keep for three days. The sauce is good for four days. Sweet potato can be reheated in an oven at 375 degrees (190 C) or on the stovetop.

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